University of Chicago (UChicago)
In late 2024, UChicago’s president, Paul Alivisatos, affirmed: “The ability to speak freely across difference is more important than ever. At the University of Chicago, your voice is protected.” Yet, for over a year, Palestinian, Muslim, Arab, Jewish, and other students, staff, and faculty at UChicago reportedly faced frequent discrimination, including slurs and threats, while […]
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore College purports to be “a campus where diversity, equity, inclusion, and access are central to rectifying past injustices and fostering a thriving community.” Yet for Palestinian, Muslim, and Arab students and faculty, the reality is a starkly different, deeply hostile environment marked by exclusion and discrimination. These students feel targeted, unsafe, and unwelcome, their […]
Emory University
Among the most hostile campus environments exists at Emory University, where administrators not only authorized police violence against anti-genocide student protesters but have also for months enabled an environment where their own students and community members were free to discriminate against Palestinian, Muslim, and Arab students with impunity. Emory University has acknowledged the “sustained oppression, land dispossession, […]
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
The University of California, Los Angeles has not only authorized the use of police violence, including tear gas and rubber bullets, against its own students, but has even enabled violent counter-protesters to harass, intimidate, and brutalize their student population, seemingly due to their activism in support of Palestinian human rights. Its seeming disregard for the […]
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)
CWRU claims to uphold free expression and equity but has fostered a hostile environment for Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and allied students. The administration labeled pro-Palestinian chants as hate speech, erased protest messages, and did not intervene to protect students from contractors spraying students with paint during a demonstration. Peaceful protesters were reportedly arrested without cause, […]
George Washington University (GWU)
The George Washington University (GWU) has reportedly failed to protect its students from religious, racial, and ethnic discrimination, actively suppressed the free speech of students protesting against genocide, and itself carried out an apparently years-long campaign of anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia, making it among the most hostile campuses for anti-genocide voices, particularly those of Palestinian, […]
Portland State University
Portland State claims to uphold free expression and equity but has fostered a hostile environment for Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and allied students. According to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression’s (FIRE) 2025 College Free Speech Rankings, Portland State is ranked 194th out of 257 top colleges and universities in the U.S. The administration has reportedly aggressively repressed anti-genocide demonstrators by calling on […]
2024 Civil Rights Report: Fatal: The Resurgence of Anti-Muslim Hate

CAIR received 8,061 complaints nationwide in 2023, marking the highest number of complaints CAIR has ever recorded in its 30-year history. Nearly half of all complaints received in 2023 were reported in the final three months of the year.
Defining Islamophobia

CAIR is reissuing our definition of Islamophobia here as we continue to urge employers, schools, media, government entities, and others to identify and address Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism wherever it may appear.
Employee Guidance: Speaking with Human Resources

What do I do if human resources wants to speak with me about my Palestine social media content? See our new guidance here.