Moorthy Muthuswamy

Moorthy Muthuswamy is an Indian-American anti-Muslim extremist who has promoted Islamophobic rhetoric and policies of the BJP and the RSS, two far-right political organizations in India. 

In 2009, Muthuswamy published a book titled Defeating Political Islam: The New Cold War. Muthuswamy portrays Islam has a force of conquests in his arguments. He argues that Islam is “less of a religion and more an ideology of conquest.” In the first chapter of the book, Muthuswamy insists there is “mounting evidence of a political ideology masquerading as a religion [Islam] to create conditions ranging from terrorism to unbeliever genocide for the purpose of conquest.” In the second chapter of his book, he writes, “At a fundamental level, Islam appears to be dominated by the politics of its founder, with its external focus on conquest – and not coexistence. The conclusion that Islamic doctrines are the root cause of terror conducted against unbelievers is no longer escapable and is backed by statistics – not subjective opinions!” 

Steven Emerson, a prominent far-right Islamophobic journalist who led a spying effort against multiple Muslim advocacy groups across the United States, authored the foreword of Muthuswamy’s book. Geert Wilders and Robert Spencer praised Muthuseamy’s book on the author’s website. These two individuals are classified as Islamophobic by The Bridge Initiative and the Southern Poverty Law Center respectively.  

Muthuswamy is a popular contributor of FrontPage Magazine, a prominent far-right online publication. He wrote an article titled “Is Wilders Wrong about Islam?” in April 2010. Muthuswamy writes a defense of Geert Wilders, the current leader of the right-wing populist Party for Freedom in the Netherlands and author of numerous Islamophobic texts. Furthermore, Muthuswamy wrote in the article that the Holy Qu’ran inspires terror and that violence is inherent to Islamic teachings.  

Muthuswamy has made bizarre claims about Islam and Muslims, primarily on his Twitter account. He has written that “India faces an existential threat from political dynamics driven by Islam” and that “Indian Muslims are highly radicalized and this issue must be tackled.” In one tweet, he claims that “about 74% of the adult Muslim community is radicalized.” He has supported the BJP’s Islamophobic policies against Indian Muslims in multiple tweets. He has falsely claimed that wearing a “hijab itself is an imposition of the clerics” in a response to a US Ambassador’s statement about religious freedom. In a response to a CNN article, he has written that the “Indian Muslim community [sic.] poses an existential threat.” 

Muthuswamy called on the BJP government to act on the “Islam problem” in India in an article for OpIndia, an Indian right-wing newspaper known to promote disinformation on the Internet. He falsely claimed the presence of “Taliban-style courts” and called for the imposing of martial law as a response. A peer-reviewed journal article published by the International Journal of Communication at the University of Southern California has revealed how OpIndia spreads false Islamophobic articles with an alleged involvement with the RSS and BJP. Muthuswamy has promoted numerous OpIndia articles on his Twitter page. 

Moorthy Muthuswamy is a nuclear physicist and writer who has received a doctorate at Stony Brook University in New York.

Appearing as a key witness supporting Rep. Peter King’s anti-Muslim hearings in March 2011, Jasser criticized Muslim organizations for informing communities of the fundamental constitutional right to have counsel present during interactions with law enforcement.

American Islamic Forum for Democracy

American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) is an anti-Muslim lobby group founded by Zhudi Jasser. Under Jasser’s leadership, AIFD has allied itself with institutions and legislative efforts that attempt to limit Muslims’ access to enumerated freedoms in the Bill of Rights.

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Americans for Peace and Tolerance

Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) is a Boston-based lobby group founded by Charles Jacobs that proliferates misinformation and conspiracy theories about Islam and Muslim-Americans. It is dedicated to undermining mainstream Muslim institutions and promoting Islamophobia within the media. 

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Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter, a conservative media personality, has gained notoriety for her unabashed Islamophobia. Her influence extends to the social media platforms, where she boasts over 2 million followers on X (formerly known as Twitter). 

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Bare Naked Islam

Bare Naked Islam is an anti-Muslim Internet blog and online community that portrays Islam as “a totalitarian political cult-like ideology.” Bannered with the line “It isn’t Islamophobia / When they really are trying to kill you,” the blog Bare Naked Islam is run by New York-based ‘Bonni’ Benstock-Intall.

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Center for Security Policy

The Center for Security Policy is a key anti-Muslim lobbying and propaganda group founded by Frank Gaffney. CSP seeks to advance anti-Muslim sentiment in both policy and society and predicates Islam as an existential threat to America. 

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