Brigitte Gabriel

Brigitte Gabriel, also known as Hanah Kahwagi Tudor and Brigitte Tudor

Brigitte Gabriel is the CEO, President, and Treasurer of ACT for America. She is a Lebanese-Christian who came to the United States after surviving the Lebanese civil war. She has made it her mission to warn that radical Muslims, a term she defines as all practicing Muslims, are bent on taking over the West. Before creating ACT Gabriel was vocally critical of Islam and Muslims. In 2006 she wrote, “Islamic terrorists … are really just very devout followers of Muhammad.” The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a U.S. veterans group, refers to Gabriel as “pathologically bigoted.”

Her words:

  • Regarding Khizr Khan, she said, “So he’s lying either way.” “He’s either a practicing Muslim or he is not. If he is not a practicing Muslim, then the Constitution is the law above all laws that governs everybody, just like we believe that, but a practicing Muslim cannot with good conscience hold the Constitution and say that he abides by the Constitution and lives by the Constitution because, according to Sharia law, which every devout Muslim follows, the Constitution is a man-made law and it cannot be follow.” Interview with Tamara Scott, 2016.
  • “The authentic Sharia practice that the majority of the Muslims around the world practice, the 1.6 billion Muslims who follow Sharia, and it’s not compatible with our Constitution.” “Sharia law is not compatible with the United States Constitution.” On Fox News, 2016.
  • “Europe will no longer be Europe by 2050. Europe has already become Eurabia. Europe is Eurabia right now.” On Breitbart News Saturday, 2015.
  • “They are people from Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Egypt, the Horn of Africa. They are not only people that are escaping wars, but they are people seeking economic freedom. They are people trying to suck off of the people from the West. They know they can get a free ticket for money. They are not coming here to build empires and become great business men and entrepreneurs. They are coming here to get the free checks from you and me who work very hard to pay our taxes.” On Breitbart News Saturday, 2015.
  • “Because Europe ignored the Islamic cancer of terrorism and radicalism rising within its midst for the last 30 or 40 years, look at what they’re dealing with today.” “We, as Americans, are facing the same thing. America is at stage two Islamic cancer.” On Newsmax, 2015.
  • “Practicing Muslim who believes the word of the Koran to be the word of Allah … who goes to mosque and prays every Friday, who prays five times a day — this practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Koran, cannot be a loyal citizen of the United States.” During a course at the Department of Defense’s Joint Forces Staff College, 2007.
  • “Every practicing Muslim is a radical Muslim.” On Australian Jewish News in 2007
  • Gabriel has also claimed that Arabs “have no soul” and that Muslims worship “something they call ‘Allah,’ which is very different from the God we believe [in].” At Christians United for Israel, 2007.
  • “Every Friday, mosques in the Middle East ring with shrill prayers and monotonous chants calling death, destruction and damnation down on America and its people.” “America and the West are doomed to failure in this war unless they stand up and identify the real enemy: Islam.” In Front Page Magazine, 2006.

Jonathan Matusitz

Jonathan Matusitz is a tenured professor at the University of Central Florida who has leveraged his academic credentials to espouse anti-Muslim propaganda and has ties with ACT for America, an anti-Muslim hate group.  

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Moorthy Muthuswamy

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Marjorie Taylor Greene

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Tom Trento

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Bill Maher wikicommons copyrightDayman

Bill Maher

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