Sarah Scaife Foundation

The Sarah Scaife Foundation’s “grant program is primarily directed toward public policy programs that address major domestic and international issues.” In early 2017, the Foundation had a reported “$708 million in assets.”

The David Horowitz Freedom Center, whose president believes Islam “is a sick death cult,” was granted $1.2 million over a six-year period.

Cliff Kincaid’s America’s Survival received $400,000. In “We Need More Islamophobia, Not Less” Kincaid asked, “Does it make sense to import more Muslims and let them raise children as Americans who then assume the foreign identity of the jihadists who want to kill us? Kincaid also believes that Members of Congress who opposed then candidate Trump’s proposed Muslim Ban, “somehow think it would be un-American, during a time of war, to keep advocates of a threatening foreign ideology, Islam, from entering the U.S.

Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy received $1.1 million. Gaffney’s conspiracy theories regarding Muslim infiltration of all aspects of American life are so overblown that he was banned from attending the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2011 after accusing its top leadership of being infiltrated by Islamists. In 2013, Vice President for Research and Analysis Clare Lopez told an audience, “When people in other bona fide religions follow their doctrines they become better people — Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Jews. When Muslims follow their doctrine, they become jihadists.” On January 10, 2007, an article attributed to General Counsel David Yerushalmi declared that the Global War on Terror “should be a WAR AGAINST ISLAM and all Muslim faithful.”

American Freedom Alliance

Type of Organization: Politics, Grassroots, Education The American Freedom Alliance (AFA) is a non-profit organization which, according to its mission statement, “promotes, defends, and upholds

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Gatestone Institute

Type of Organization: Media, Politics According to its website, the Gatestone Institute claims to be “a non-partisan, not-for-profit international policy council and think tank, dedicated

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Shoebat Foundation

The Shoebat Foundation is an organization linked to fake former terrorist Walid Shoebat. While Shoebat’s website announces the latest news from the Foundation, CAIR researchers

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F.M. Kirby Foundation

The F.M. Kirby Foundation was established in 1931 by one of the founders of the F.W. Woolworth Company. The foundation has made routine payments to

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Randolph Foundation

The New York-based Randolph Foundation was originally a trust of the Smith Richardson Foundation but became its own distinct entity around 1993. The foundation has

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