A Project of the Council on American-Islamic Relations

Phyllis Schlafly


Phyliss Schlafly is the founder and president of The Eagle Forum, and worries about Muslim immigrants “bringing in a bunch of wives who will now go on our welfare”. She has a history of making bigoted comments.

On Schlafly’s October 15th, 2014 Eagle Forum Live radio program, Islamophobe David Horowitz said of Ferguson, Mo. protesters that “if you’re white, you’re guilty; that’s the attitude”. Horowitz and Schlafly concluded by determining “There’s no community that’s more racist in America than the black community. And everybody knows it, but nobody will say it.”

In a 2013 radio interview, Schlafly stated “Polygamy is against our law. We’ve brought in thousands of Muslims – I want to know if they made them sign a pledge to assure they’re not bringing in a bunch of wives who will now go on our welfare.”

An April 2012 article titled “Islamic Indoctrination in Textbooks” included Schafly’s assertion that “The books often falsely claim that Islam is tolerant of Jews and Christians” The piece relies heavily on data provided by ACT! For America.

American Center for Law and Justice

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is an anti-Muslim, constitutional law firm established by televangelist Pat Robertson and Jay Sekulow. This organization is known for disseminating anti-Muslim propaganda. 

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American Freedom Defense Initiative

The American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) is an Islamophobic hate group led by Pamela Geller. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identifies the organization as an anti-Muslim hate group. At one time, SPLC considered Geller “the anti-Muslim movement’s most visible and flamboyant figurehead.”  

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American Freedom Law Center

The American Freedom Law Center, Inc. (AFLC) is an anti-Muslim law firm co-founded and co-led by David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise.   The center often acts as the Islamophobia Network’s legal counsel and has represented Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy and Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative.  

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Appearing as a key witness supporting Rep. Peter King’s anti-Muslim hearings in March 2011, Jasser criticized Muslim organizations for informing communities of the fundamental constitutional right to have counsel present during interactions with law enforcement.

American Islamic Forum for Democracy

American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) is an anti-Muslim lobby group founded by Zhudi Jasser. Under Jasser’s leadership, AIFD has allied itself with institutions and legislative efforts that attempt to limit Muslims’ access to enumerated freedoms in the Bill of Rights.

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Americans for Peace and Tolerance

Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) is a Boston-based lobby group founded by Charles Jacobs that proliferates misinformation and conspiracy theories about Islam and Muslim-Americans. It is dedicated to undermining mainstream Muslim institutions and promoting Islamophobia within the media. 

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