A Project of the Council on American-Islamic Relations

Stop Islamization of Nations

Stop Islamization of Nations was founded in January 2012 as an international derivative of Pamela Geller’s domestic project, Stop Islamization of America, and drawing inspiration from the Denmark based Stop Islamization Europe. Stop Islamization of Nations is part of the inner core of the U.S. Islamophobia network.

Two of the group’s key individuals, Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll, are former leaders in the English Defence League (EDL). The EDL is a British nationalist group whose claimed mission is to protect the United Kingdom from Islamization. Their operations include mostly consist of using street intimidation and rhetoric promoting violence against Muslims. Though mostly active outside the United States, the group is known to endorse the views of Pamela Geller. Geller, however, has withdrawn her support for the EDL due to their anti-Semitic views. In 2013, EDL supporters threw bottle and other missiles at police in the wake of a terror attack in London.

The American part of the organization, Stop the Islamization of America, was refused a trademark in January 2011 after the board found the name disparaging to Muslims. After Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer appealed the decision, the trademark was again denied in May 2014. The court document can be found here.

Key Individuals

Pamela Geller (President of the President’s Council)

Anders Gravers (Member of the President’s Council, Member of the Board of Directors)

The leader of both Stop the Islamization of Europe and Stop the Islamization of Denmark

Tommy Robinson (Member of the President’s Council)

Robinson’s birth name is Paul Harris. He also uses the alias Stephen Lennon. Founder of the English Defence League (EDL), Robinson was jailed in 2013 for “having entered the United States illegally using someone else’s passport” and again in 2014 for mortgage fraud. Robinson left the EDL in 2013 stating “I acknowledge the dangers of far-right extremism and the ongoing need to counter Islamist ideology not with violence but with better, democratic ideas.”

Kevin Carroll (Member of the President’s Council)

Carroll is a previous leader of the English Defense League. He left the EDL with Tommy Robinson in 2013. He has ties to Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.

Debbie Robinson (Member of the President’s Council)

A leader of the Q Society of Australia. The group asserts, “Islam is not just another religion, but also a totalitarian ideology with a global agenda.”

Robert Spencer (Member of the President’s Council)

For more on Spencer see: Jihad Watch.

Oskar Freysinger (Member of the Board of Directors)

Swiss parliamentarian associated with the Swiss People’s Party. He played a leading role in the movement to ban Islamic minarets in Switzerland.

Cliff Kincaid (Member of the Board of Directors)

The editor of Accuracy in Media. In 2013, the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups in the United States, listed Kincad among the “30 new activists heading up the radical right.”

Ashraf Rameleh (Member of the Board of Directors)

During his speech at Stop the Islamization of Nations’ 2012 International Freedom of Speech Congress, Ramelah defended Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller saying “a lot of America (is) calling us bigot(ed) and Islamophobic, no, we (are) saying the truth and the truth hurt(s).” When speaking about the September 11th attacks he said “they are not terrorists, they are jihad. They are for the Quran.” Along with his position on SION’s board, he is also the president of Voice of the Copts, a human rights organization, and a contributing editor of Family Security Matters, a conservative news source sponsored by Center for Security Policy.

Ali Sina (Member of the Board of Directors)

Founder of, Sina writes many anti-Islam papers and blog posts. When asked why he fights Islam, he replied, “When I read the Quran and felt blood dripping from every verse of it, when I saw that Islam reduces humans into beasts and makes monsters out of good people, when it became clear to me that there is NOTHING good in Islam and that it is all evil, I knew what I had to do. The time for praying was over and now it was the time for action.”

Wafa Sultan (Member of the Board of Directors)

For more on Sultan see: Former Muslims United.

Stefan Herre (Member of the Board of Directors)

Dr. Mordechai Kedar (Member of the Board of Directors)

Babu Suseelan (Member of the Board of Directors)

In 2012 Suseelan told an audience “If we do not kill the bacteria, the bacteria will kill us. Muslims will breed like rats and they will be a majority.” Still, he concluded hopefully, “Islam can be stopped! And it can be wiped out.”

American Center for Law and Justice

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is an anti-Muslim, constitutional law firm established by televangelist Pat Robertson and Jay Sekulow. This organization is known for disseminating anti-Muslim propaganda. 

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American Freedom Defense Initiative

The American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) is an Islamophobic hate group led by Pamela Geller. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identifies the organization as an anti-Muslim hate group. At one time, SPLC considered Geller “the anti-Muslim movement’s most visible and flamboyant figurehead.”  

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American Freedom Law Center

The American Freedom Law Center, Inc. (AFLC) is an anti-Muslim law firm co-founded and co-led by David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise.   The center often acts as the Islamophobia Network’s legal counsel and has represented Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy and Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative.  

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Appearing as a key witness supporting Rep. Peter King’s anti-Muslim hearings in March 2011, Jasser criticized Muslim organizations for informing communities of the fundamental constitutional right to have counsel present during interactions with law enforcement.

American Islamic Forum for Democracy

American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) is an anti-Muslim lobby group founded by Zhudi Jasser. Under Jasser’s leadership, AIFD has allied itself with institutions and legislative efforts that attempt to limit Muslims’ access to enumerated freedoms in the Bill of Rights.

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Americans for Peace and Tolerance

Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) is a Boston-based lobby group founded by Charles Jacobs that proliferates misinformation and conspiracy theories about Islam and Muslim-Americans. It is dedicated to undermining mainstream Muslim institutions and promoting Islamophobia within the media. 

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