A Project of the Council on American-Islamic Relations

Concerned Women for America

Who are Concerned Women for America?  

Concerned Women for America (CWA) is a public policy women’s group that has engaged in anti-Islam legislative efforts in at least Florida and North Carolina. This group hosts anti-Islam speakers at their events.  

On its website’s “Who We Are” section, Concerned Women for America is described as “the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization with a rich 30-year history of helping our members across the country bring Biblical principles into all levels of public policy.”  

In a 2022 CAIR report detailing philanthropic funding for anti-Muslim groups, CAIR revealed that CWA received more than $896,000 in grants between 2017 and 2019 from mainstream charitable institutions. 

Anti-Muslim Activities  

In 2017, the organization’s Missouri chapter hosted an event alleging, “The influence of Islam in the Common Core standards is now undeniable.” The event flyer explained, “Make plans to attend this event to learn more about how to identify the Islamic influence and what you can do to stop it.”  


An extract from a 2009 edition of CWA’s Family Voice magazine relates, “[W]e saw the theistic worldview of Islam come face-to-face with the Biblical worldview of Christianity. A worldview that teaches a doctrine of force and violent submission to an unpredictable god faced a worldview that teaches a doctrine centered on a holy and just God who brings us into relationship with Himself. In one sphere, you die to prove your faithfulness; in another, God’s Son dies on your behalf to share His faithfulness. Will you pray that all followers of Islam will come to know the One True God of the Bible through His Son Jesus Christ who came to die for us sinners and bring us in relationship with Himself?”  

CWA Legislative Action’s brochures promote Islamophobia through  topics such as “Sharia Law: A Threat to America as we Know it,” “Sharia-Compliant Finance Promoted by Treasury Dept.,” and “Sharia Law Trumps U.S. Constitution in Dearborn.” The group’s “Sharia Law and the Constitution” brochure is authored by Nonie Darwish, who believes that Islam should be “annihilated.” The brochure highlights the “taqiyya” trope to slander Muslims as unashamed liars.  

Other CWA brochures claim that the United States has fallen under “dhimmitude,” that it is ‘the ambition of Islam’ “to eliminate and destroy Western civilization from within,” and that “Wall Street is becoming enmeshed in sharia.”  

CWA has frequently hosted and promoted the work of William J. Federer, a writer that frequently promotes conspiracy theories about Islam, calling it a political-ideological movement whose goal is to undermine Western civilization, and who has stated, “Muslims consider it a mark of conquest to build a community center and mosque on Ground Zero in Manhattan. Their goal is to dominate the world.”    

An article posted on the group’s website falsely asserts, “this White House avoids traditional Biblical holidays and events but regularly recognizes major Muslim holidays.”  


The group has involved itself in anti-Islam legislative efforts in many states, including Florida and North Carolina, where it drew praise from the bill’s sponsor.  

In 2016, CWA campaigned to have then Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner veto the creation of the state’s first Muslim American Advisory Council on the grounds that such a law “gives Muslims a formal voice in government.” The group’s events and workshops regularly promote and advertise the work of Islamophobic and anti-Muslim speakers.  

Former president of CWA Sandy Rios is a prominent media contributor, especially on Fox News. The Southern Poverty Law reported that Rios has made public statements like: “Muslim Americans do not have First Amendment rights” and that Islam is “a complete and total system that demands usurpation of whatever the local authority is, it demands to dominate it, it demands to conquer, to kill or convert.” 

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter, a conservative media personality, has gained notoriety for her unabashed Islamophobia. Her influence extends to the social media platforms, where she boasts over 2 million followers on X (formerly known as Twitter). 

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Bare Naked Islam

Bare Naked Islam is an anti-Muslim Internet blog and online community that portrays Islam as “a totalitarian political cult-like ideology.” Bannered with the line “It isn’t Islamophobia / When they really are trying to kill you,” the blog Bare Naked Islam is run by New York-based ‘Bonni’ Benstock-Intall.

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Center for Security Policy

The Center for Security Policy is a key anti-Muslim lobbying and propaganda group founded by Frank Gaffney. CSP seeks to advance anti-Muslim sentiment in both policy and society and predicates Islam as an existential threat to America. 

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Clare Lopez

Clare Lopez is an anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist. The Bridge Initiative at Georgetown University asserts that Lopez “promotes falsified claims about Muslims in America, particularly the notion of a Muslim Brotherhood infiltration under President Obama.” 

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Clarion Project

The Clarion Project is a non-profit organization founded by Rapheal Shore that creates, funds, and disseminates anti-Muslim propaganda to influence American politics. Formerly known as the Clarion Fund, the organization purports that its films have been seen by 125 million people globally.  

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